Unlock the hidden capacities within using our maps and tools.

We do this:

  • We’ve mapped the emotional well-being system (also called enlightenment or wholeness) to reveal the high-change leverage points. A high-change leverage point is a place in a system where a tiny amount of effort can create a substantial shift.

    A system map provides transparency. We can finally see those deep currents that lead us astray and hold us back. We can also finally see the path of least resistance that takes us to the intersection of balanced people, power, and communication, where inspiring performance and extraordinary results reside. It’s where we become what we came here to be.

  • Our tools are unlocking mechanisms designed to free the hidden capacities that allow you to become extraordinary and inspiring with ease, grace, and speed. They include a proprietary coaching approach, assessments, workshops, and guidebooks. We certify you in these tools so that you can expertly apply them for personal and client growth.

So you can do this:

  • With our map, you can see the possibilities. With our tools, you can move toward those possibilities with ease, grace, and speed (or guide your clients there).

  • Because you are empowered via transparency and data—you know the starting point, you see the destination, and you have the tools to get there, bad stress is decreased while good stress is increased. Rather than stressing over what’s next or whether you are doing it right, you can enjoy the adventure of achieving your goals.

Using this Co-creative Approach:

  • Using the system map, select the next location that takes you or your client toward a more emotionally balanced lifestyle.

  • Every location on the map is associated with specific tools that are designed to develop the attributes of that location. They free the hidden capacities within, energizing growth and facilitating progress toward wholeness and emotional well-being with ease, grace, and speed.

  • After about eight months, retake the assessment to get a comparison report to track and celebrate you or your client’s progress.

Discover the emotional balance within.